lost & found
Instructional Drawing
Creating and interpreting a description of a meaningful lost item from the past for a partner to draw out with p5.js.
→ link to my code
→ link to partner's code
Design Process
For Anna, I wrote:
I had a purple teddy bear when I was just a baby/toddler, I think it’s in storage right now because we moved. I heard from my mom that we accidentally left it in a Sam’s Club bathroom once, which was devastating to me at the time.
I think it used to be soft and fluffy but the fur may have matted after putting it in the dryer. It’s quite traditional looking, about the length of a laptop, and rather firm. The only embellishments are the facial features, black eyeball button things and a nose + mouth embroidered with black thread. The color is not vibrant and a bit faded but still recognizably purple, leaning towards indigo rather than magenta: a bluer purple. The joints were articulated.
For me, Anna described to me:
a tennis racked with a bright red frame and thin yellow strings, the handle is wrapped with soft black tape and there is a little green frog shock absorber on the strings

My partner was Anna, and her object was a tennis racket. She gave me the colors, textures, and personal details. I think since a tennis racket is a pretty standard item, with a standard form that doesn’t actually have that many variations, it wasn’t hard to produce something that looked like what Anna was envisioning. And since I was already quite familiar with p5.js, I decided to try and make the tennis racket as realistic in form as possible, basically just tracing an image. The only point of difference of interpretation was with the little frog shock absorber. I just made an image of how I typically draw a frog, whereas Anna might have a completely different method, as well as the manufacturer of that frog shock absorber.